Preparing Yourself Properly Before Starting a Weight-Loss Program
Numerous weight-loss programs and diets in the market claim to be the quick and easy solution you need. However, the key to successfully losing weight has always been a healthy diet, regulation of calorie intake, and exercise. For lasting results, you need to permanently adopt good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle.
This article looks at two important things you need to do to start your journey toward successfully losing weight.
You have to start by making a commitment
Successfully losing weight and getting lasting benefits requires long-term commitment of time and effort. Make sure that you are prepared to make permanent changes and that your motivation comes from the right place. Essential to sticking to your commitment to losing weight is focus, meaning you have to expend copious physical and mental energy to change your habits.
Therefore, as you embark on making lifestyle changes geared toward losing weight, be sure to first address other sources of stress in your life, such as conflicts in relationships or financial issues. Obviously, you can never completely eliminate these stressors. You could, however, manage them better in order to allow you to focus on achieving your goals.
As soon as you feel ready to embark on a suitable plan for losing weight, set a date and when it reaches, start.
Tap into your wells of self-motivation
Only you are responsible for successfully achieving your plans for weight loss. Always keep in mind that you are implementing exercise and diet changes to please yourself. You need a strong reason to inspire you to stick to your plan no matter what.
Create a list of things that will keep you focused and motivated. Examples include improved overall health or an upcoming vacation at a beach resort. Thereafter, come up with a way of tapping into your sources of motivation in moments when you feel tempted to ease up on your efforts. For instance, a screensaver of the destination beach resort will do.
Having the right kind of support is also important, even if you solely bear responsibility for the achievement of your goals. Choose supportive people who encourage you in ways that are positive and don’t involve sabotage, embarrassment or shaming.
Ideally, these are people who care about your feelings and concerns, who spend time compiling healthy recipes or doing exercise with you, and who appreciate how important it is for you to build a healthy lifestyle. They should also be your accountability partners, providing strong motivation to remain diligent in your efforts.
If you would rather your plans for losing weight remain private, make sure you remain accountable to yourself by tracking your progress using various apps, journaling your progress in diet and exercise, and having regular weigh-ins.
In summary, before you embark on a weight loss program, you need to prepare yourself by making a strong commitment and ensuring you have reliable sources of motivation that will help you stick to the plan.
Judith R. Morehead has worked as a personal trainer in the health, wellness and fitness industry for 13 years. She has written numerous articles and blog posts on topics related to fitness and health, including implementing effective weight loss strategies.